Creating and setting-up a cashless point of sale


Creating a Point of Sale is linked to each activity.  

A Point of Sale is linked to a physical location where you will sell your products (bar, shop, food stands, etc). For each one, you can define: 

  • Cash register keypads for this point of sale 
  • The payment method(s) accepted for this point of sale in addition to the cashless payment 

Once you have logged into your cashless account, please click on the relevant event > Configure > Locations – Point of Sale. 

You will first need to choose the activity (top right) for which you would like to create Points of Sale.  

    • Name: helps you identify your various Points of Sale  
    • Activated: check that the box is ticked for the Point of Sale to be operational 
    • Products display OR Categories shown: Helps you define which products will be sold by the Point of Sale:

-either by categories shown (recommended)

-or by products display

    • Accepted payment methods: helps you define the other payment methods (bank card and/or cash) that you would like to accept for the Point of Sale, in addition to cashless If you would like to accept other payment methods, please send a request to your project manager
