How to import my tickets from distributors other than Fnac, Digitick and Ticketmaster


This article details how to import your tickets sold by another channel than the main ticket agents into your Weezevent interface to prepare for access control.

1. Exporting data

  • Go to the relevant distributor interface and enter your login details 
  • Export your tickets

2. Building your file

The file to be imported must meet these criteria:

  • It must include 8 columns titled as follows, in this order: barcode, name of the ticket type, price, last name, first name, email address, company and notes
  • The order outlined above must be followed, even if one of these columns is to remain empty
  • The barcode column must include data 
  • Barcodes must meet the following criteria:
    • Be an alphanumeric sequence
    • Contain no more than 32 characters 
  • Prices should not include decimal points. If a decimal is needed, please use a comma instead (e.g. 35,99)
  • Once formatted, the file must be saved in .csv format (i.e. the data is separated by semicolons) on both Windows and Mac.
  • Once your file is saved in CSV format, you should not reopen it in Excel!

For convenience, we recommend that you download the file below. You will only need to fill it with the data to be imported. Template for generic imports: Download the template

3. Importing your file 

Read this article to find out how to import the file into your Weezevent interface