Configure your multi-date event (sessions) (Beta)

The multi-date mode allows your participants to choose their session from among those offered within the same event. It is practical, for example, for a cinema wishing to show several sessions of the same film, a circus offering several dates of its show, an instructor offering training sessions, etc. 

1. Activate the session mode for your event: 

As soon as you create your event, you can define it as a multi-date event. Once the mode is activated, you can directly create and configure the first session of the event. 

If you haven't activated session mode on your event, you can then go to Configure > Event data and activate session mode in the "Dates" section.

Please note: you will no longer be able to activate session mode if you already have an active participant in your event. 

On your event list, You can identify the multi-date events to be held by a "calendar" icon next to the event name.

2. Create sessions: 

Once session mode has been activated, the Configure option > Sessions page of your event allows you to add additional dates.

The session list shows you the active sessions and the number of sales and tickets available for each session.

To create a session, click on the "Add" button. You can then : 

  • define the time and date of the session
  • add another time slot on the same date ("Add a slot")
  • choose to repeat the session at a given frequency (e.g. every day at the same time)


The session can also be masked online, limited in terms of available quota, or subject to a different tax rate than the event.

3. Rates and session

To manage the ticketing rates according to the session, you can associate/disassociate ticket rates available for a given session, and even define a quota on a specific ticket rate for a single session.

If your session is not linked to a ticket rate, it will not be available for your ticketing service.